The SaferTogether Medical Assessment Guideline

The SaferTogether Medical Assessment Guideline

The SaferTogether Medical Assessment Guideline was created by SaferTogether and their Health working group to ensure any workers operating on SaferTogether affiliated sites in remote or isolated locations are fit to perform the inherent requirements of their role.

The Guidelines are intended to ensure alignment with Fitness to Work practices and can also be used when modifying an existing Fitness to Work medical assessment process.

SaferTogether guidelines include a fit for purpose medical template that captures the minimum requirements to enter affiliated sites.

Did you know a company can use their existing medical and have this bench marked against the SaferTogether medical by an appropriate health practitioner? The approved health practitioner will determine if your medical meets the requirements of the guideline.

When a business assesses their company medical against the SaferTogether Fit to Work template they may be able to minimise unnecessary cost and administration whilst ensuring they align with industry accepted best practices by using the SaferTogether Fit Certificate.

For more information on benchmarking existing medicals, contact Client Success.