Privacy Policy

Resile Pty Ltd (“Resile”) recognises the importance of protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals in relation to their personal information. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth) and any relevant Health Privacy Principles under State legislation. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect and manage your personal information and how we maintain, use and disclose that information.

1. Email Privacy and Confidentiality Notice

The information contained in our emails is intended for the person or persons named in the email. It may contain privileged and confidential information and if you are not an intended recipient, you must not print, copy, save, distribute or take any action in relationship to it, the information in it or any attachments to it. If you have received an email in error, please notify us immediately by reply email or telephone and delete the email, its contents and any associated attachments. You should also scan emails and any file attached for viruses. Resile Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any loss, damage or consequence resulting directly or indirectly from use of any attached file. Any opinions contained in e-mails do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Directors of Resile Pty Ltd, or endorsed organisations utilising the same infrastructure.

2. Your Personal Information

Your personal information (including sensitive information) will be collected by us to provide (as appropriate):

  • medical treatment;
  • pre-employment medicals;
  • work fitness assessments;
  • drug and alcohol screening;
  • injury management and rehabilitation;
  • onsite medical services;
  • medical expert reports;
  • various types of health assessments;
  • other health services or wellness services, to provide medical services

Other reasons your personal information may be collected and held by us:

  • for administrative and billing purposes;
  • to update our records and keep your contact details up to date;
  • to process and respond to any complaint made by you;
  • to comply with any law, rule, regulation, lawful and binding determination, decision or direction of a regulator, or in co-operation with any governmental authority of any country;
  • for the purposes of data research and analysis;
  • for inclusion in a recall register to be advised of follow up;
  • for the purposes of reporting back to your employer or prospective employer, their authorised representatives and their insurer;
  • to conduct business processing functions including providing personal information to our related bodies corporate, contractors, service providers or other third parties;
  • for the administrative, planning, product or service development, quality control and research purposes of Resile and its service providers; and
  • to meet obligations of notification to our medical defence organisations or insurers.

We may also collect your personal information for the purposes of telling you about our services or products that might better service your healthcare or lifestyle requirements or other opportunities in which you may be interested. We will not use your sensitive information for this purpose without your written consent. You may opt out of receiving marketing communications from us at any time by following opt out instructions provided in such marketing communications.

Unless one of the limited exemptions under the Privacy Act applies, we will only collect your sensitive information if you consent to such collection and if such sensitive information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities.

Your personal information will not be shared, sold, rented or disclosed other than as described in this Privacy Policy or as permitted under the Acts.

3. Information That We Collect and Hold

We may collect the following types of personal information:

  • your name, address and telephone number;
  • your age or date of birth;
  • current drugs or treatments used by you;
  • information relevant to your medical care, including but not limited to your previous and current medical history and your family medical history (where clinically relevant);
  • your ethnic background;
  • your profession, occupation or job title;
  • the name of any health service provider or medical specialist to whom you are referred, copies of any letters of referrals and copies of any reports back;
  • any additional information relating to you that you provide to us directly through our representatives;
  • information obtained from any questionnaire which we may ask you to complete;
  • health fund number;
  • previous employment history;
  • occupational health history and medical records;
  • other information we consider necessary to provide our services.

We will, if it is reasonable or practicable to do so, collect your personal information from you. In some cases, we will collect your personal information from others, such as other doctors or health professionals.

4. Disclosing Your Personal Information

Subject to particular restrictions on sensitive information, (see below), we may disclose your personal information to:

  • any person you consent to receiving the information;
  • your treating doctor or regular general practitioner or specialist;
  • your employer or prospective employer;
  • your lawyer;
  • Veterans Affairs;
  • Medicare;
  • WorkCover and other insurers in relation to employee claims;
  • our contractors or the contractors of your employer or prospective employer facilitating the provision of our services to you. This may include other medical practitioners or health professionals;
  • anyone included in a transfer of all or part of our assets or businesses;
  • anyone to whom we are required or authorised by law to disclose your personal information.

Unless you consent otherwise or, where we are otherwise permitted to do so by law, personal information will only be used for the purposes for which it was provided (primary purpose) or for a purpose (secondary purpose) related, or in the case of sensitive information directly related, to the primary purpose.

We require that organisations with which we have contracted to supply us with services to assist us in supplying services to you and to which we disclose your personal information, have in place reasonable safeguards for protecting personal information or are subject to the APP’s or if overseas, are subject to laws similar to APP’s.

By providing your personal information, you are consenting to this Privacy Policy and to the collection, use and disclosure provisions described in this Privacy Policy.

If you do not provide us with the personal information described above, we may not be able to provide the requested services.

5. Dealing Anonymously

You may, where it is lawful and practicable to do so, deal with us anonymously.

However, you should note that in some circumstances failure to provide appropriate identification may result in a limited ability on our part to offer or deliver complete services to or for you.

6. Accuracy of Personal Information

We aim to ensure that your personal information we collect is accurate, complete and up to date. If you believe your personal information is not accurate, complete or up to date, please contact us (refer contact information at the end of this Policy).

7. Protecting Personal Information

We store information in electronic and in paper form. We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure.

8. Information Disclosure Outside of Australia

In relation to medicals and consultations procured or requested by our overseas clients, we may disclose your personal information to these clients in their countries of operation.

We do not otherwise disclose your personal information to overseas recipients, but in the event, that we would like to or are required to do so, we will obtain your consent.

9. Accessing Your Personal Information

You may gain access to your personal information, subject to exceptions allowed by law which include:

  • access would pose a serious threat to the life or health of any individual;
  • access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of others;
  • a frivolous or vexatious request;
  • the information relates to a commercially sensitive decision-making process;
  • access would be unlawful;
  • access would prejudice enforcement activities relating to criminal activities and other breaches of law, public revenue, a security function or negotiations with you;
  • where a third party has given us health information about you in confidence.

10. Privacy Breaches

Resile is bound by the provision of the Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Act 2017. Our operational management system contains provisions for the management of data breaches (personal information).

If you believe that your privacy has been breached, please contact us and provide details of the event so that we can investigate.

If we believe that your privacy has been breached, we will contact you and advise you of the details of the event.

11. Policy Amendment

The Company may amend or vary this policy, in its absolute discretion, from time to time.

If you have any queries about this policy, please contact us as follows:

Resile Pty Ltd

PO Box 693

Hamilton QLD 4007

P: 07 3339 6000


12. Definitions

APPs means the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth).

Health information means information or an opinion about your health or any disability you may have, your expressed wishes about the future provision of health services to you, other personal information collected to provide or in providing a health service to you.

Health Service means any activity involving the assessing, recording, maintaining or improving your health, diagnosing or treating illness or disability or dispensing medicines.

Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

a)     whether the information or opinion is true or not; and

b)    whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not. Personal information includes sensitive information.

Sensitive information means information or an opinion about your racial or ethical origin, political opinion, membership of a political association, religious beliefs or affiliations, philosophical beliefs, membership of a professional or trade association, membership of a trade union, sexual preferences or practices, criminal record or health information.

“We”, “our”, “us” means Resile Pty Ltd

“You” means any person whose personal information we collect.