Why do you need it?
Coal Services Health Monitoring Requirements for Coal Mine Workers Order No. 43 (Order 43) details the processes and systems to protect the health and safety of workers in the NSW coal industry.
How does it work?
Under Order 43, health assessments are required:
- pre-placement – The Order requires that coal mine workers complete a pre-placement medical assessment prior to commencing work at a coal operation. This includes new workers entering the industry and workers transferring across operations.
- periodically – The Order requires that coal mine workers undertake the periodic medical assessment:
- every three (3) years from the date of the coal worker’s pre-placement medical assessment carried out under the Order, or not more than three (3) years from the date they commenced work, whichever is earlier; and
- no more than every three (3) years after that
- at exit from working in coal operations.
These assessments can be conducted, in our clinics, via our network providers or at your site for the convenience of your organisation and your employees.
- Medical Practitioner must conduct pre-employment assessment
- Periodic assessments can be conducted by registered nurses under the supervision of an approved medical practitioner.
Medical practitioners are required to meet certain training requirements and experience and be approved by Coal Services Australia.
Registered nurses have some training requirements to complete before being able to provide this service.