Risk Consulting

Urgent Acute Complex Occupational Health Issues

Assistance with acute exposures, catastrophic incidents 24/7

Why do you need it?

Regardless of how well your organisation manages hazards, unexpected and sometimes significant issues can still arise. When a major issue happens in your organisation, whether it causes immediate injury or exposure, or has the potential to cause harm, it is important to act quickly and appropriately.


A fast and informed response protects your workers, your organisation, and the public.


Acute issues can cause considerable stress and concern from workers, and possibly from the public, and it can be difficult to communicate complex information about environmental and health concerns in a timely manner.

How does it work?

We can provide a rapid response to urgent unexpected issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


When an issue arises, our expert team are available to respond quickly. Our Occupational and Environmental Physicians and Registrars are medical experts at the interface of health and work and the environment. If required, an Occupational Hygienist will complete workplace measurements and analysis. The team will review the information about the issue, conduct a risk assessment and provide advice to your organisation as a rapid response, to allow you to navigate to the best outcome for you, your workers and the public.


Our team are also able to assist with risk communication to the workforce and/or the public. This communication can be provided in person, via webinar, or in print, as is most effective for your situation.


Should it be required, our team are able to provide expert testimony regarding the issue.


We have assisted our clients with response to issues including:

  • contaminated drinking water
  • contaminated land
  • mine fires and
  • smoke exposure
  • acute asbestos exposure and
  • chemical odour in public buildings.

Email us on risk@resile.coom.au or call (07) 3339 6075.

If you are an existing client call our urgent 24/7 treatment number after hours.

Risk Consulting

Urgent Acute Complex Occupational Health Issues

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